A collection of the meals eaten by a group of three university students.

Thursday 6 October 2011

Sausage Sizzle!

Name: Sausage Sandwich
Main ingredients: sausage, bread roll, and BBQ sauce
Price: $Free!

Yes, the image is a cartoon. While we were too busy enjoying the free sausage sizzle hosted by Student Flights @ Macquarie University, we forgot to take a photo of it! So here's a cartoon instead for visual representation purposes (taken from shutterstock.com). Besides, I'm sure we all know what a sausage sandwich looks like.

One of the best things in Macquarie University are the clubs/societies/other institutions that rotationally host free sausage sizzles (or other food). Nothing special about the sausage, except for the fact that it's FREE! It got me full enough to refrain from spending until I got home. It also came with a free can of drink!

And the extra special thing about it is that it also came with a FREE IPHONE 4 CASE! (see picture).

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